Conquer Pain, Optimize Performance, and Unlock Your True Running Potential

Welcome to On the Run Physical Therapy, your ultimate destination for overcoming pain and unlocking peak running performance. Whether you're seeking expert physical therapy to conquer injuries or aiming to elevate your performance, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Join me on the journey to a stronger, healthier, more resilient running experience.

Premier Physical Therapy for Runners

  • Premier PT Evaluation for Runners

    Are you a runner struggling with pain or injury that’s getting in the way of doing what you love? I’m glad you’re here. Injuries are incredibly frustrating and often affect more than just your training. I am here to help you on your journey back to being the best version of yourself. I want you to leave my care running confidently and without fear of re-injury.

    What to expect during your first day

    Detailed injury and training history: Your situation is unique. I will take time to listen to you to understand what’s going on, hear your thoughts and concerns, and gather information about your unique ecosystem. This will help me better understand your specific injury context and goals. We will also explore your training regimen and racing schedule to determine your needs.

    Functional movement exam: The beauty of running is its predictable performance demands. Ensuring you can directly load through key regions and tissues is essential to help you reclaim your lease on running. The tests I will take you through may include but are not limited to the following: single leg balance, various squatting assessments, and calf raises

    Orthopedic exam: Assessing specific tissues to examine your strength, flexibility, and joint mobility to understand where there may be any areas that move too much or too little and how this compares to your uninvolved side

    Running gait analysis (if appropriate): I will perform a slow-motion analysis of your running pattern and examine your movement for unwanted deviations and inefficiencies that may be contributing to your injury.

    Review of findings: I will help you understand where your pain is coming from, the underlying causes of this area's pain, and why it isn't getting better.

    Tailored Plan: You will get a follow-up email recapping the session while outlining a plan to follow over the next few weeks with pictures and/or video hyperlinks and links to any necessary equipment. We will also discuss any appropriate training and technique modifications. You can also email between the initial consultation and follow-up session.

  • Physical Therapy Follow Up Treatment

    After your initial evaluation, your return visit is crucial for tracking progress and refining your treatment plan. We'll review your advancements, assess your running/training regimen, and determine if adjustments are needed.

    During your one-on-one session, we'll focus on advancing toward your goals. Sessions may include mobility work, strength training, neuromuscular control exercises, and hands-on treatments, tailored to your needs. You'll receive personalized supervision and targeted cues to ensure the optimal form and effectiveness of each intervention. Let's continue working together to get you back to peak performance and running confidently.

Performance Optimization for Runners

  • Strength Training for Runners

    Are you experiencing a plateau in your running performance? Struggling to ward off injuries? Look no further! Our strength training program is designed to enhance your running performance, boost longevity, and prevent injuries.

    Personalized Guidance: Benefit from tailored one-on-one sessions focused on refining your technique and prescribing exercises to optimize your running performance.

    Technique Feedback: Receive valuable feedback on your form to ensure you're executing exercises correctly and efficiently.

    Injury Prevention: Safeguard against common running injuries and prolong your running career with a structured strength training regimen.

  • Run Coaching

    Are you struggling to stay consistent with your race training amidst a busy schedule? Our run coaching service is designed to keep you on track and help you achieve your race goals.

    Tailored Training Plans: No generic plans here. Receive personalized guidance on training that aligns with your goals, lifestyle, running history, and race date.

    Proactive Approach: As a physical therapist, I bring a unique perspective to coaching. I prioritize injury prevention to keep you healthy and strong throughout your training.

    Hassle-Free Planning: Let me take care of the planning for you! Each week, you'll receive a detailed training plan customized to your needs and goals.

Schedule a FREE Pain and Performance Consultation!

What's Included
✔︎  Complete Training Program Review
✔︎  Function and Performance Screen
✔︎  Pain Assessment & Treatment Plan